Analysis of test work:
Luma Matte - 

-for the luma matte I used food colouring in a glass to get the effect, it took me a few attempts to get it right as I had no control. I also slowed the footage down afterwards.

My first attempt: 

- My feedback was to try a moving image in the background and also make the front layer brighter white and that the background layer is not visible expect from where the ink is.
- I struggled to have a moving image of the watch without a stabiliser, I attempted to use a skateboard but the video was still not up to my standards. Instead I used my the technique I had learnt took some stills and made it into a parallax to give the illusion the image is moving.

Final attempt with all elements:


- This was my first practice of a gif, I struggled to get the loop less visible but it was hard when having to hold the bottle still
- My first idea of a GIF was to include a male model, however because of the coronavirus situation I decided to make all the moving images very cohesive and not use a model.
- These were some I tried before deciding not to use a model.
Final GIF - 

- Parallax



Creative Fields